If you prefer manual booking or if you want any help? Phone : 080-25537259/60
How to use appointment calendar ?
To make or reschedule an appointment, our office phones are open Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. Please call 080-25537459/60
Our coaches are well trained and experienced. At each appointment, you receive one-on-one personalized care. Your Coaches and Mentors will work with you to implement the most effective way to address your challenges and build your execution capabilities. Currently, all sessions are conducted online.
Appointment booking process
> Chose a suitable date in the calendar
> Check available appointments slots of your preferred coach
> Book your appointment
> You will be redirected to a request appointment form
> An appointment request will be sent to your coach
> You will be redirected to the Cart page for payment completion
> On completion of payment you will receive confirmation from your coach
> A personal page “My page” will get created to manage your appointments
If you are an existing customer, you can view your appointments status on your personal page