The process of contextual capability involves functional analysis of operational requirements. Capabilities are identified based on the tasks required to be performed to achieve a goal or a strategy. Once the required capability inventory is defined, the most cost effective and efficient option to assess and build capability is sought.

Context matters. Even though capability required to perform a particular task may seem similar in a given Industry, It can be starkly different. It could vary depending on the organisations location, culture, values, vendors, customers, market and so on…

Our effort is to assist you in identifying contextual capabilities essential for strategy execution. The behavioural and technical capabilities required, we believe, have direct correlation to the functional capability required to complete the job on hand.

We have presented it as a checklist to make sure you address all aspects of contextual capability building.

Please download the document (,pdf) here: 
Leadership responsibility #2 - Contextual capability building (16517 downloads )


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