Strategy execution capability: Skills for goal execution / Skills for strategy execution
1. Right fit mantra
Having the right framework to hire, retain, motivate, develop and reward talent in an organisation determines its capability. Committed and motivated employees will perform optimally and keep up with an organisations competency requirements for today and tomorrow.
2. Change swiftness
Change is constant. An organization’s capability is defined by its ability to identify opportunity and risk areas and act quickly. A truly agile organisation should be both dynamic (adaptive and quick) and stable (reliable and efficient).
3. Customer orientation
Are you delivering customer promise on time every time? Building a culture of customer orientation in all internal and external processes, systems and people would determine your organisations capability to deliver customer promise.
4. Team work
Build a framework for seamless cross-functional working and collaboration towards a common goal. An organisation’s capability improves from sharing of ideas and talent seamlessly across boundaries.
5. Innovation and continuous improvement
Maintain competitive advantage through both new stream (Improving customer outcomes) and main stream (Improving bottom line) through continuous improvement and innovation. Build a culture that promotes innovation and strong processes and frameworks to augment it.
6. Alignment
Everybody in the organisations is clear about the strategic intent of the organisation and how their jobs impact the outcomes. Align processes, systems and people to the organisations strategic intent.
7. Learning
Storing and retrieving knowledge learnt from past experiences and using it to continuous improve and innovate is the organisational ability to grow. A robust organisational learning framework is critical to detecting and filling gaps that may arise in working towards its goals.
8. Leadership
Organisation should identify and builds capabilities for leaders to drive and achieve an organisation’s strategic goals, develop their skills and to lead and inspire their people to give their best. Plan successors for key positions by identifying, assessing and developing employees.