Strategy execution essentials – Clarity on goals

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Strategy execution best practices : Clarity on goals For us to be able to coax our organization to better execute our strategies, isn’t it imperative for us to translate our plans into objective goals for each strategy implementing entity at our firm? Isn’t is important for us to ensure that all the entities in our organization are aligned to our plans? Aren’t these threshold requirements? Our study of over two dozen organizational leaders across industries…

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What the Trump victory tells Data folks? #trumpwon

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While most surveys & polls “suggested” a landslide victory for Clinton, Trump crosses the finish line with, well, to the amazement and even frustration of many, some ease. This really set me thinking how the poll predictions went so horribly wrong! I don’t doubt for one moment the mathematical models or the competencies of the data analysts. In fact, I do believe that poll analysts would have some amazing models built from years of election…

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Strategy execution practices – The 7 point framework

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Strategy execution best practices: The 7 point framework Here’s an interesting question I’d like to ask you, “Would people in our organization still be busy even if they are given no goals to pursue?” Most likely the answer is yes! Why is this the case? Well, Chris McChesney, from the 4 disciplines of execution, attributes this to the “whirlwind effect” which takes precedence at workplace. He defines the “whirlwind effect” as the everyday job that…

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The Power of Absence

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In this era of ultra busy and “always on the move” lifestyle, haven’t we come to appreciate things only when we stop having access to them? A sneak peek into our daily lives would reveal that there are many things whose importance we tend to realize only during their absence, be it material things like internet, smart phones, electricity or even relationships!

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Strategy execution capability – 8 critical aspects to build capability

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1. Right fit mantra
Having the right framework to hire, retain, motivate, develop and reward talent in an organisation determines its capability. Committed and motivated employees will perform optimally and keep up with an organisations competency requirements for today and tomorrow.

2. Change swiftness
Change is constant. An organization’s capability is defined by its ability to identify opportunity and risk areas and act quickly. A truly agile organisation should be both dynamic (adaptive and quick) and stable (reliable and efficient)……

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Strategy execution essentials – 13 things you NEED to obsess about

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Read on, if…

You have a great idea that you want to build a business on
You have P&L responsibility for a business that has been doing really well but is being challenged by the growing competitive landscape
You head a business that has achieved remarkable growth in the past but somehow you’ve not been able to grow as fast in recent times
You want to build a “great” organization
Or, if you’re just interested in knowing more…

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